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A Bit About Me

In the natural realm, a midwife can be defined as a trained health professional who helps healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies.

In the spirit realm, a midwife can be defined as a person who has been trained and is in sync with Holy Spirit to help individuals during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their spiritual babies, i.e., books, businesses, ministries, etc.

An Apostolic Midwife is one that God has sent into the earth to help individuals who are specifically called to their voice to determine the conception of God's vision, establish a birth plan for God's vision, and provide resources through the Holy Spirit during labor, delivery, and postpartum. 

Stephanie Canton, an ordained minister and Prophet of God, has accepted the role of Apostolic Midwife in God's Kingdom. Stephanie has dedicated her life to collaborating with  Holy Spirit to assist God's chosen to birth their visions that God has placed on the inside of them.  

Stephanie Canton was born and raised in Bradenton, Florida. She is the wife of Jadarien Canton Sr. and the mother of four beautiful children. Stephanie started in ministry at the very young age of 13. She was fluent in the apostolic calling over her life by the age of 15 and has been preaching, teaching and ministering ever since. However, because she desired to be a "regular" teenager, she encountered many hardships that God has turned from ashes to beauty. Stephanie has a heart for people and is passionate about seeing them come into their full potential in Christ.

A huge part of that beauty is The Birthing Center. The Birthing Center was established and runs under the direction of  Holy Spirit. Stephanie understands that God has entrusted her with His people, and she does not take that responsibility lightly. She is intentional about seeking God’s direction for every decision, and she is faithful to carry out His will.

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